Why Do I Fear?


I am called to a be a soul winner but lately I’ve been neglecting my calling; everyone is called to be a preacher of the gospel no matter how old or young, no matter how much experience one has with people and no matter the circumstances of everyday life. I’m suppose to preach to everyone I come in contact with but I fail miserably. There shouldn’t be fear in portraying to gospel to sinners, because He gives us the words for which we need to speak.

I haven’t preached the gospel to my coworkers because I fear how I will  be treating after I tell them about the Gospel. I fear that the atmosphere will be different, that I will be treated different.

May God take this fear away so that I can preach His word without outside discomfort.

Belief, way of life.


Why do people believe?

They believe because they have seen what belief in God does to a person.

Anyone can be loyal, truthful, sincere, respectful and caring without believing in God; there is one thing that a believer can do what no one can: to love unconditionally and to forgive, these is the essence of God which a believer has (Because He loved us first)

To love is to live like God first saw it when He brought this world into existence; He brought us into to existence to love us, to care for us and to have us all to Himself. To love is to forgive and forget, it means to move on without remorse and regret.

Let us not be a stumbling block to others, we need to live in love so that God shine through us, so that unbelievers see it as a relationship and not a religion.

Sometimes seeing is believing.

My Purpose.


My purpose in social media should not be wasting time, it should not be bashing people (which I don’t).

My purpose on social media should be about sharing knowledge, ideas and learn from other people.

My purpose on social media should not be about sharing every detail about my personal life. As Christians we should share what God has done in our lives.

My purpose on social media should not be about sharing every little thing that I come across; if I want to share it, I need to really think if it will help someone in their walk with his/her Lord.

Closing thoughts:

Are we wasting God’s time in stuff that won’t do any good, when it comes to our walk with Him. Are we painting a bad picture with our posts about how Christianity is? In this age of social media, what is it like to be Christ like?

Ecclesiastes 7:14


The world is full of injustice and of sin, they are equal in size and in strength; but that doesn’t mean that there is no hope. Life in this world was wonderfully created but Lucifer didn’t what it that way, he had to butt in on Adam and Eve, he was jealous of their connection to God; that same connection he had before he decided to sit on God’s throne, to be like him.

Just like bacteria exist in our body, sin was always present, it means missing the mark and Lucifer purposely missed it by trying to be just like God.
So , when trouble comes your way, don’t ask why; ask what can I learn? We all are sinners because of Adam did on that not so joyful day, when he decided to  be persuaded by Eve in taking a bite out of that forbidden fruit.
The injustice will always happen, it means  to doubt God’s grace and mercy, it means to take God out of our daily life, it means for us to be indifferent towards God’s goal, which is to share the Gospel of Christ.
As we live our life, remember that the enemy has us on their bulls eye, on their radar. When things don’t go your way, don’t ask why; ask what can i learn from this; its also an opportunity to show Christ to the world so that they can see that what we have is not a religion but a relationship that works both ways.
info about bacteria:

Being a Christian

I confess that I haven’t been faithful to my Redeemer, to my Savior; saying “My Lord” and not obeying Him is wrong.

Being a Christian means that you obey God, that you live according to His will. Being a Christian means reading your Bible everyday and practicing it every day.

Many county clerk are resigning rather than giving marriage license to same sex couples and I applaud them for that  but I don’t know their personal life but I’m hoping that they live like God wants them to live, that they can call Him Lord with a clear conscience.

According to this article, they fear God; and I assume that they love Him and respect Him.

But if they don’t live according to His will, well, I don’t know what to say.


Psalm 61:8 “That I may daily perform my vows”


Daily Vows to God

      1. I will love Him

      2. I will respect Him

      3. I will obey Him

      4. I will learn from Him

      5. I will be teachable

      6. I will always smile

      7. I will always see the good things in spite of the circumstances

      8. I will never doubt Him

      9. I will always trust Him

      10. I will always seek His help

      11. I will always talk with Him

      12. I will always worship Him

What other vows can you think of?




God’s love is Greater than any love we’ll ever find, God’s love is Greater than any fear, Greater than any obstacle and Greater than any thing or person who says the opposite.

God wants to Rekindle your heart, He wants to have that communion that we had with Him back in Eden, He wants for us to have something Greater that is out of this world.

God wants to take us Away from this miserable world, he does not want us to suffer, but the facts of life are that everyone suffers, all because of sin. God wants to take away our sin so that won’t be an obstacle for His Kingdom to advance. He is just waiting for the right moment while He does that we need to be the salt to this world, we need to be instruments of His love, of His Grace.

He wants to Carry us, he wants to take Care of us. He really wants us, we just need to let Him work in us. We need to walk and act gracefully.

There’s no such thing as Enough is Enough in the Christian life, we still need to grow; we’ll never stop growing. Trials and temptation are just part of life, but sin shouldn’t be.

2 Kings 20:1 Is your life in order?


Are our lives in order? Are we truly living a Christian life or do we find ourselves living to please others rather than God.

When Jesus Christ comes back for us, will he find our faith strong or weak? (When having a weak faith we succumb faster to temptation which then leads to sinning)

With God on our side, we all have potential to do great things for the advancement of His Kingdom.

We need to strength our faith by living more on the edge, to be abnormal; to live for Him rather for the world.

When Jesus Christ comes, will he find our faith stronger, weaker or nonexistence?


God, my all in all.


My God, my all in all,

Now what does this mean? it means that if you really really love God, the only place that you need to go while in distress, anguish or depress mood, you’ll go to Him, He went through what  your going thru and worse.

* You need a defender?, He’ll defend you from your enemies, visible and invisible and even from your self.

*You need a listening ear? Well, He is more than that, He’ll wipe your tears away and make you forget of all of your troubles with His Eternal Promises. He’ll give you reason to move on, a reason to rise up from where sin and temptation took you. He’ll jump start that stalled engine of yours, your will. He’ll give you hope where there’s no hope

*He won’t let you starve to death, you are alive for a reason.

This thing, this situation that you are experiencing cannot be compared to what its waiting for you in Heaven (Romans 8:18) “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” This situation of yours is just the tip of the iceberg from where God will take you from and  will use your life for a greater purpose. 

My thoughts on 2 Sam. 12:13-23

My thought/commentary of 2 Sam. 12:13-23CSLewis-Quote-12_31_12

David would have lived with bitterness towards God and towards him because of the death of his son, what did the baby? All he did was being born and was the fruit of David’s sin.

He would’ve to God, “ how unjust is God! My son didn’t do nothing for him to die”………..oh but God saw something else. He saw what might have been if the son of David would’ve lived; we would’ve have known Solomon or maybe if maybe if Solomon was born later, it would’ve been like Cain and Abel or Ishmael or Isaac or any other scenario. Maybe God didn’t want history to repeat itself.

In conclusion,
If David hadn’t known about God’s fury, about His Justice and Mercy, he would’ve been a total different person; una persona miserable y con rencor.

God is all that we need to triumphant over sin and over ourselves